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Goeun Lee’s ANT 225 Students Get Out of the Classroom

In fall 2022 and spring 2023, Anthropology Ph.D. candidate Goeun Lee took her students of ANT 225 Culture, Environment, and Global Issues to a sustainable fish farm, a community garden, and UK’s own recycling warehouse. These trips, as well as guest lectures from sustainability experts and advocates, are part of Lee’s Environmental Anthropology: Community-Engaged Learning project, which was funded by the Student Sustainability Council and the Legacy Fund. 

At the core of this project are three themes: environmental stewardship, food and environmental justice, and social inclusion. As a result of this active learning, two of Lee’s students were featured on a fall 2022 episode of UK’s Green Talks radio show, hosted by Faith Roberts.

ANT 225 students visit a sustainable fish farm

ANT 225 students visit a sustainable fish farm