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About Anthropology / Awards and Honors

Awards and Honors

Awards and AccomplishmentsAwardeeYear

Society for American Archaeology

Presidential Recognition Award

Dr. Christopher Pool2023

University of Kentucky College of Arts & Sciences

Award for Distinguished Service or Engagement

Dr. Christopher Pool2023

University of Kentucky College of Arts & Sciences

Career Teaching Award

Dr. Monica Udvardy2023

University of Kentucky

Distinguished Faculty Achievements in
Internationalizing the Curriculum

Dr. Ann Kingsolver2022
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
Southeastern Conference (SEC) Emerging Scholar
Dr. Phyllis Johnson2021

University of Kentucky 

Provost’s Outstanding Teaching Award

Dr. Lee Bullock2021
University of Kentucky
College of Arts & Sciences Oustanding Graduate Student Mentoring Award
Dr. Ann Kingsolver2021
University of Kentucky
College of Arts & Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award
Shayna Lindquist
Dayton Starnes II
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Shayna Lindquist
Miriam Ruth Dike
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
Margaret Lantis Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Dayton Starnes II2021
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Sia Beasley
Dayton Starnes II
Ashley Whitten
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
Margaret Lantis Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Alberto Ortiz Brito
Mauri Systo
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Lee Bullock
Anna Casserly
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
Margaret Lantis Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Céline Lamb
Daniel Joseph
Southeastern Archaeological Conference
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Richard Jefferies2018
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Mauri Systo2018
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
Margaret Lantis Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Mary Beth Schmid
Lesly-Marie Buer
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Vanessa Hanvey2017
University of Kentucky
Vice Provost for Research Outstanding Teaching Award for Faculty
Shannon Plank2017
University of Kentucky
Vice Provost for Research Outstanding Teaching Award for a Teaching Assistant
Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth2017
Human Biology Association
Franz Boas Distinguished Achievement Award
Dr. Deborah L Crooks2017
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth2016
University of Kentucky College of Education
Teacher Who Made a Difference Award
Dr. Monica Udvardy2016
Society for the Anthropology of Work
Eric R. Wolf Graduate Student Paper Prize
Mary Elizabeth Schmid2016
Society for Medical Anthropology
Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Study Group Graduate Student Paper Prize
Lesly-Marie Clevenger Buer2016
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Karen A. Stevens2015
Society for American Archaeology
Presidential Recognition Award
Dr. Christopher Pool2014
Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Davis Center Book Prize in Political and Social Studies
Dr. Erin Koch2014
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Lydia Shanklin Roll2014
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching
Dr. Deborah L Crooks2013
University of Kentucky College of Education
Teacher Who Made a Difference Award
Dr. Christopher Pool2013
Institute of International Educations's Scholars Rescue Fund
Outstanding Service Award
Dr. Juliana McDonald2013
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Christopher John Grosh2013
University of Kentucky
University Research Professor
Dr. Christopher Pool2012
Society for Economic Anthropology
Book Prize for Best Book in Economic Anthropology Published between 2009 and 2011
Dr. Sarah Lyon2012
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Heather Jan Sawyer2012
Vanderbilt University Press
The Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Prize for the Best Project in the Area of Medicine
Dr. Erin Koch2011
University of Kentcuky Alumni Association
Great Teacher Award
Dr. Erin Koch2011
Society for the Anthropology of Work
Book Prize for The Gender of Globalization: Women Navigating Cultural and Economic Marginalities
Dr. Ann Kingsolver2011
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Ryan B. Anderson2011
National Academic Advisors Association
Faculty Advisor Award
Dr. Monica Udvardy2010
University of Kentucky College of Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences Lecturer of the Year 
Dr. Juliana McDonald2010
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Allison D. Harnish2010
University of Kentucky College of Education
Teacher Who Made a Difference Award
Dr. Sarah Lyon2009
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Travis H. Hedwig2009
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Dejene N. Debsu2008
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Maureen E. Meyers2007
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Rebecca A. Fletcher2006
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Erin J. Kenny2005
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Chad T. Morris2004
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Erin M. Gregory2003
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Jennifer R. Wies2002
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Michael L. Loughlin2001
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Denise C. Lewis2000
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Stephen C. Pavey1999
University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology
William Y. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Betty Jo Stokes1998