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I Need Your Help! Kenyan Memorial Statues (Vigango) and the U.S. Tax Code

Lafferty Hall room 213
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Dr. Monica Udvardy

My activist research centers on tall, wooden statues, called vigango, erected by the Mijikenda peoples of Kenya to commemorate men who during their lives were members of a particular secret society.  Hundreds of vigango have been trafficked to the USA by a single, California based dealer who then mediated their purchase by members of the Hollywood entertainment industry.  He then brokered their donation to more than 20 U.S. museums.  I assume the wealthy donors colluded with him because they could deduct the appraised value of the statues on their tax returns as charitable contributions.  However, I am an anthropologist, not a tax accountant, and need your help determining what the monetary advantage was for them.

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