As a child of Cuban immigrant families, born and raised in Florida I have been surrounded by immigrant communities throughout most of my life. I have always been drawn to the field of health, and after more inquiry of the various health profession options, I learned about medical anthropology. I knew I wanted to work and learn from communities and local residents, to combat the health inequities people face. This opportunity was made possible in 2012 when I moved to Lexington and began my doctoral studies at the University of Kentucky. In 2015 upon completing coursework requirements I moved to Chicago to conduct my community engaged dissertation research, where I remain today. Community-engaged approaches to health, research and teaching drive my future work with people who are often forgotten or left without a seat at the table.
- medical anthropology
- Latinos/as in the U.S
- latino studies
- US Latino Studies
- Social inequality
- Race, Racialization, Racism
- Social Theory
- Caribbean
- Anthropology
- Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies
- Social Theory