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Past Events

Calendar | Event List | Past Events

Speaker(s) / Presenter(s) Date
Seminar Series: "The syntactic and postsyntatic derivation of agreement: Basque and beyond" Dr. Karlos Arregi (University of Chicago) -
Seminar Series: "Trails and Tribulations: Chatino conceptions of the dead" Dr. Hilaria Cruz (UK) -
Appalachians Strike Back: Eastern Kentuckians perceptions of dialect variation in Kentucky Jennifer Cramer, UK Linguistics Program -
Break dancing with the dead: Popular music and the role of ancestors in Maya language revitalization Rusty Barrett, UK Linguistics Program -
Break dancing with the dead: Popular music and the role of ancestors in Maya language revitalization Rusty Barrett, UK Linguistics Program -
Temples in Diaspora: Religiosity, Urban Space and the Construction of Consilience in Tamil Toronto Dr. Mark Whitaker, Professor, Department of Anthropology -
Western and Indigenous Knowledges in Intercultural Education in Ecuador Dr. Carmen Martinez Novo, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology -
Translated Justice? Ixhil Maya Participation in the Trial of Ríos Montt for Genocide in Guatemala Maria García, UK Linguistics program -
From place names to the naming of places (people & things) in Chickasaw language revitalization Jenny Davis, UK Linguistics Program -
Linguistics Program Seminar Series: The Ket language of Siberia Edward Vajda, Western Washington University -
Linguistics Program Seminar Series: "Contact-Induced Drift: Ergative Splits and Parallel Development in Lowland Mayan Languages" Danny Law, Vanderbilt University -