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Appalachian Center Events

National Conference on Undergraduate Research

The National Conference on Undergraduate Research is an annual student conference dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in all fields of study. Unlike meetings of academic professional organizations, this gathering of young scholars welcomes presenters from institutions of higher learning from all corners of the academic curriculum. This annual conference creates a unique environment for the celebration and promotion of undergraduate student achievement, provides models of exemplary research and scholarship, and helps to improve the state of undergraduate education.

Learn more here.

UK Campus

Conference on Political and Economic Inequality

The Conference on Political and Economic Inequality 

Featuring Ellen Goodman, Dean Baker, & Kathy Stein

Free and open to the public.  

Schedule of events: 

Thursday March 27
7:30 Memorial Hall
Ellen Goodman, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist lecture: “Inequality: Working Moms, Designated Daughters, and the Risks of Caregiving”
Friday March 28 
Worsham Theater, Student Center
9:30-10:15 a.m. Prof. Ron Eller, UK: Inequality in Appalachia (with attention to racial issues) 
10:15-10:30 Comment: Jamie Lucke, Lexington Herald Leader 
10:30-11:15 Prof. Bruce Laurie, UMass Emeritus, The Decline of Unions and the Rise of Inequality
11:15-11:30 Comment –Mike Matuszak, Former Secretary-Treasurer, Local 227 United Food and Commercial Workers of America 
Noon-1:30 pm Lunch
1:30-2:15: Prof. David Courtwright, University of North Florida: The Culture War and the Rise of Inequality 
2:15-2:30 Comment: Hon. Kathy Stein, Family Court Judge 
3:15-4:00 Dean Baker, Center for Economic and Policy Research: Inequality, Causes, Consequences
4:00-4:30 Q & A and Remarks by Participants


Questions? contact Ron Formisano, History, University of Kentucky

Memorial Hall

Analysis and PDE Seminar

Title:  Sub-Exponential Decay Estimates on Trace Norms of Localized Functions of Schrodinger Operators

Abstract:  In 1973, Combes and Thomas discovered a general technique for showing exponential decay of eigenfunctions. The technique involved proving the exponential decay of the resolvent of the Schrodinger operator localized between two distant regions. Since then, the technique has been applied to several types of Schrodinger operators. Recent work has also shown the Combes–Thomas method works well with trace class and Hilbert–Schmidt type operators. In this talk, we build on those results by applying the Combes–Thomas method in the trace, Hilbert–Schmidt, and other trace-type norms to prove sub-exponential decay estimates on functions of Schrodinger operators localized between two distant regions.

745 Patterson Office Tower

Analysis and PDE Seminar

Title:  On the ground state of the magnetic Laplacian in corner domains

Abstract:  I will present recent results about the first eigenvalue of the magnetic Laplacian in general 3D-corner domains with Neumann boundary condition in the semi-classical limit.  The use of singular chains show that the asymptotics of the first eigenvalue is governed by a hierarchy of model problems on the tangent cones of the domain. We provide estimations of the remainder depending on the geometry and the variations of the magnetic field. This is a joint work with V. Bonnaillie-Nol and M. Dauge.



745 Patterson Office Tower

DOPE 2014 Scholar/Activist Panel: Working Across Borders: US/Latin America Collaborations for Social and Environmental Justice

Featuring: Simón Sedillo (organizer and filmmaker); Geoff Boyce (Doctoral Candidate, School of Geography and Development, University of Arizona); Aviva Chomsky (Department of History, Salem State University); Vanessa Hall (Kentuckians for the Commonwealth); and Ann Kingsolver, (Department of Anthropology and Appalachian Studies Center, University of Kentucky)

Student Center Room 230

Analysis and PDE Seminar

Title: Informatics and Modeling Platform for Stable Isotope-Resolve Metabolomics

Abstract: Recent advances in stable isotope-resolved metabolomics (SIRM) are enabling orders-of-magnitude increase in the number of observable metabolic traits (a metabolic phenotype) for a given organism or community of organisms.  Analytical experiments that take only a few minutes to perform can detect stable isotope-labeled variants of thousands of metabolites.  Thus, unique metabolic phenotypes may be observable for almost all significant biological states, biological processes, and perturbations.  Currently, the major bottleneck is the lack of data analysis that can properly organize and interpret this mountain of phenotypic data as highly insightful biochemical and biological information for a wide range of biological research applications.  To address this limitation, we are developing bioinformatic, biostatistical, and systems biochemical tools, implemented in an integrated data analysis platform, that will directly model metabolic networks as complex inverse problems that are optimized and verified by experimental metabolomics data.  This integrated data analysis platform will enable a broad application of SIRM from the discovery of specific metabolic phenotypes representing biological states of interest to a mechanism-based understanding of a wide range of biological processes with particular metabolic phenotypes.

745 Patterson Office Tower
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