Departmental Citizenship
The Department of Anthropology works to foster a collegial academic environment and positive working environment for students and faculty alike. The department takes citizenship very seriously when making complex decisions about student funding and writing annual student reviews. Graduate students fill multiple roles within the university community as learners, researchers, and teachers who are both students and employees of the University of Kentucky. Departmental citizenship covers a broad set of behaviors and sensibilities, but there are several concrete practices that it encompasses. Graduate students are expected to:
- Behave in a professional and ethical manner, respecting their fellow students, faculty, and staff and fulfilling their teaching and research obligations to the best of their ability.
- Take responsibility for their own education by asking questions and staying abreast of academic and funding requirements.
- Regularly participate in all department colloquia and events, serve as representatives on departmental committees (when appropriate), and when possible represent themselves and the department at regional, national, and international academic meetings.
In accordance with University regulations, the Department of Anthropology supports the rights of everyone to experience an environment free from discriminating or harassing behavior and encourages graduate students who have experienced or witnessed this type of behavior to promptly seek assistance from the DGS or the University's Office of Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity.
Department TA and Professional Development Workshops
As per the Department of Anthropology's 2023-2024 Statement of TA Policies and Procedures, TAs are required to attend two departmental teaching workshops over the course of each semester that they hold a TA position. Please contact Dr. Heather Worne, TA coordinator, with any questions.
TA Workshop 1: February 5, 4:00-5:30
Graduate Student Workshop: February 12, 4:00-5:30pm
Graduate Student Workshop: March 10, 11:00am to 12:00pm
TA Workshop 2: April 2, 4:00-5:30pm
TA Observations will be conducted by students' advisors each semester. The observation form will be due to the TA coordinator by the end of the semester. The form can be found here. All Type 1 TAs are required to file their CV with the Graduate School. More information is available here.
Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CELT) Spring 2024 TA Events:
Leave of Absence
If a student needs to request a leave of absence from the program, they should do so at the start of the semester. This request needs to be approved by the entire faculty. Please fill out this form and submit it, along with a letter of support from your advisor, to the DGS. Please note, per Graduate School rules, no more than two consecutive and four total semesters in leave of absence status may be requested. Post-qualifying doctoral students are not eligible for the leave of absence. International students considering a leave of absence are strongly encouraged to discuss their plans with the International Center, Department of Immigration Services prior to making a formal request.
International Travel Regulations
Per AR 4.9 Graduate students are required to register with the IHSS or the Education Abroad office when traveling overseas on any university related business (preliminary dissertation research, conference attendance, dissertation research etc.). If you are registered for ANT 767 while conducting dissertation research overseas, you will need to register with the Education Abroad office. Please remember that UK officially bans research in countries with U.S. State Department warnings. This ban is generally waived for graduate students after a formal review by the Education Abroad Advisory Committee. Please see the Graduate School's website for more information. You can also find out more here. The Anthropology Department's current guidelines for graduate student travel funding can be found here.
It is the student's responsibility to become familiar with all departmental policies and expectations. The Graduate Student Handbook includes most of these policies and these are posted on the departmental website. In addition to pro-actively consulting with their advisor all M.A. and Ph.D. students should always consult UK's current Graduate Bulletin.
Important Documents:
- Ph.D. Proposal Approval Process
- Graduate Funding Guidelines
- Graduate Student Advising Guidelines
- Leave of Absence Guidelines and Request Form
- Sample Departmental Timeline
- Qualifying Exam Guidelines
- AGSA Student Guide
- ANT 662 Syllabus Template
- Dissertation Guidelines
- ANT 767 Dissertation Residency Credit Grading Guidelines